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Dr Emmanuel Mensaklo
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Dr Mensaklo is an economist and the strategic director of Dataking Consulting. He is also a faculty member at the Department of Economics Education, University of Education, Winneba, and a former faculty member at the Evangelical Presbyterian University College, Ho.
He holds a PhD in Economics from Chiang Mai University, Thailand. He also holds a Master of Philosophy in Economics from the University of Ghana while he holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. He has published in journals such as Economies, and TEM Journal, among others. His areas of specialization include econometrics, energy economics, financial economics, health economics, and environmental economics. His recent book chapter published in Springer Nature are on “Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Analysis of the Technical Efficiency of Natural Resource Rent and Institutions Based on a Copula Stochastic Frontier Model“, and “Bayesian Fixed-Effects Panel Kink Regression with Unknown Threshold with Application to the Impact of Economic Freedom on Economic Growth.”