Analytical Firepower


Dataking Research Lab

Our team of experts carry out relevant research projects that aim to address practical issues based on works at research laboratory.


Research Lab

Our team of experts carry out relevant research projects that aim to address practical issues based on the works at our research laboratory. Dataking Research Lab has created the environment for the team to develop journal articles, op-ed/feature articles, technical articles, and monographs which aim to enhance knowledge in various areas of interest to business.

The Dataking Working Paper Series and other flagship projects under the Lab provide avenues for the team to share their findings to a wide range of readers. Currently, there are already some of the products of this Lab which are already published or in process of publication.

Are four (4) units dedicated to special technical areas of interest to the work at Dataking Consulting and Dataking Research Lab. The following are the names and their mandates:

· GREEN-i – Green Economy and Environmental Intelligence

· m-LAIDS – Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

· e-APP – Economic Analysis and Public Policy

· i-TASA – International Taxation, Auditing, Sustainability and Accountability

The Units shall operate under the leadership of the Technical Director and the Research Manager. Moreover, consultants and interns shall be assigned to various projects running under the Units, whenever necessary.