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Adina Faye Karten
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Adina Faye Karten is a Poverty and Development Consultant with Dataking Consulting. She has been working in inclusion, health advocacy and the development spheres for more than 6 years. During this time, she has written on policy, designed M&E frameworks and implemented interventions targeted towards increasing access to health resources for the rural disabled. As a researcher for UN ESCAP, she contributed to the publication of “Harmonization of National Laws with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Selected Trends in the ESCAP Region.” She is also about to release an upcoming book chapter on “Disabled Street-Begging: an Ancient Livelihood Necessitated by Urbanity.” Adina believes that innovations made in resource-poor communities are often the most replicable, having noted local innovations toward inclusion outcomes in first-person observation in India, England, Italy and the United States. Adina holds a Master of Arts in Poverty and Development and a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and Sociology.