Anna is a Supply Chain Analyst with Dataking Research Lab. She works as Finance and Administrative Officer at Accra Medical Centre. She holds an MBA in Supply Chain and...
Mudasiru is a Sustainable Energy Consultant with Dataking Consulting. His experience and skills span across Energy/renewable energy policy, development planning, local government expenditure tracking and management, innovation in public...
Derrick is a Geological Analyst with Dataking Research Lab. He has worked with Ghana Manganese Company Limited, China Geo-Engineering Corporation, Hydro-Fat Engineering and Consultancy Service Ltd, and Mobekon Geo-Engineering...
Scholastica is a Climate Policy Analyst with Dataking Research Lab. She also works as a Teaching and Research Assistant at the University of Ghana Business school and a research...
Edmund is a Food Policy Analyst with Dataking Research Lab. He is interested in exploring current and future food policies in the Global South. He is an effective trainer...
Raymond Agbesi Owodo is an Accounting and Taxation Consultant with Dataking Consulting. He has worked as a teaching assistant at the University of Ghana Business School. He holds a...
Mohammed Atampuri works as an economic consultant Dataking Consulting and the Dataking Research Lab. He is also a Research and Teaching Assistant at the University of Ghana’s Economics Department....
He is the Creative Design Lead for Dataking Consulting.
Duke Ayim Agbozo is an Economic and Finance Analyst with Dataking Consulting. He has worked with the Bureau of Market and Social Research Company LTD (MSR) on petroleum surveys...
Dr Mensaklo is an economist and the strategic director of Dataking Consulting. He is also a faculty member at the Department of Economics Education, University of Education, Winneba, and...