Webinar: Open Peer Review


AuthorAID is pleased to invite you to an interactive webinar on 'Open Peer Review,' where we will be learning about what it is, its importance, and its approaches with AuthorAID steward, Aurelia Munene, with 30 minutes of QnA session. Aurelia Muthoni Munene is the Founder of Eider Africa. Together with a team of dedicated African […]


23 May – PRME World Tour: Research Paper Development Workshop – Africa


Stephen Bannah, a researcher from Dataking Research Lab who is also a postgraduate student at the University of Ghana Business School will present a working paper on climate change reporting by financial services firms in Africa at this upcoming workshop. He will receive research feedback from Dr. Emmanuel Adegbite and Dr. Collins Ntim. The other author for his session is Jonathan Ikeolumba, who is presenting on carbon pricing.


IMF Youth Fellowship Alumni Program

IMF International Monetary Fund, 700 19th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20431, Washington, DC, WA, United States

Our Founder, King Carl Tornam Duho will participate and speak at the IMF Youth Fellowship Alumni program at Washington, DC, USA from 24 -26 June, 2024. Previous sessions: https://meetings.imf.org/en/2022/Spring/Schedule/2022/04/25/imf-the-covid-generation-offsetting-opportunity-loss-for-youth https://www.imfconnect.org/content/imf/en/annual-meetings/calendar/open/2022/04/25/164701.html The IMF notes: This year marks the fourth anniversary of the program, and in celebration, we are inviting our alumni from previous years for discussions […]