Dataking Consulting > Consultants
Our team of experts carry out relevant research projects that aim to address practical issues based on the works at our research laboratory.
Team of Consultants
Patience Ozor, CA
Accounting and Finance Consultant
Patience Ozor, CA
Accounting and Finance Consultant
Patience Ozor is an Accounting and Finance Consultant with Dataking Consulting. She is an Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana. She holds a BSc. Administration (Accounting option) from the University of Ghana with nine years of work experience in office administration and accounting. Patience's expertise also includes auditing, preparation of financial statements, filing of withholding tax, as well as, budgeting and consulting.
Dr Rosemond Sussana Amamoo
Health Policy Consultant
Dr Rosemond Sussana Amamoo
Health Policy Consultant
Rosemond works as a Health Policy Consultant with Dataking Research Lab. She is a medical practitioner currently working with a pediatric hospital and is passionate about global health policy. She holds Bachelor of Science in Medical Sciences, Bachelor of Medicine, and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) degrees. Her interest is to explore existing and potential health policies in the Global South
Sarah Awisi Tornyie
Accounting and Finance Consultant
Sarah Awisi Tornyie
Accounting and Finance Consultant
Sarah Awisi Tornyie is an Accounting and Finance Consultant with Dataking Consulting. She holds BSc in Administration (Accounting Option) from the University of Ghana and is currently a partly qualified Chartered Accountant with the Institute of Chartered Accountants Ghana. Her experience covers the financial services sector working within the rural banking and the saving and loans sector.
Mohammed Atampuri
Economic Consultant
Mohammed Atampuri
Economic Consultant
Mohammed Atampuri works as an economic consultant Dataking Consulting and the Dataking Research Lab. He is also a Research and Teaching Assistant at the University of Ghana's Economics Department. He graduated from the University of Ghana with a B.A. in Economics. He is also a Chartered Compliance and Cyber Analyst (Ch. CCA). Mohammed is a United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ambassador in Ghana. He has worked as a Research Assistant for the MasterCard Foundation Partnership for Economic Policy. He is a founding member of the Mofra Literacy Foundation (MLF).
Adina Faye Karten
Poverty and Development Consultant
Adina Faye Karten
Poverty and Development Consultant
Adina Faye Karten is a Poverty and Development Consultant with Dataking Consulting. She has been working in inclusion, health advocacy and the development spheres for more than 6 years. During this time, she has written on policy, designed M&E frameworks and implemented interventions targeted towards increasing access to health resources for the rural disabled. As a researcher for UN ESCAP, she contributed to the publication of "Harmonization of National Laws with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Selected Trends in the ESCAP Region." She is also about to release an upcoming book chapter on "Disabled Street-Begging: an Ancient Livelihood Necessitated by Urbanity." Adina believes that innovations made in resource-poor communities are often the most replicable, having noted local innovations toward inclusion outcomes in first-person observation in India, England, Italy and the United States. Adina holds a Master of Arts in Poverty and Development and a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and Sociology.
Dr Roselyn Salomey Amamoo
Health Policy Consultant
Dr Roselyn Salomey Amamoo
Health Policy Consultant
Roselyn is a Health Policy Consultant with Dataking Research Lab and hopes her work impacts the world at large. She is a medical practitioner in Ghana with an interest in public health, emphasis on Epidemiology. She has degrees in Bachelor of Science in Human Biology, a Bachelor of Medicine, and a Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB). She also holds certificates in Epidemiology and Fundamentals of Global Health Research from the University of Washington.
Duke Ayim Agbozo
Economic and Finance Analyst
Duke Ayim Agbozo
Economic and Finance Analyst
Duke Ayim Agbozo is an Economic and Finance Analyst with Dataking Consulting. He has worked with the Bureau of Market and Social Research Company LTD (MSR) on petroleum surveys and with the Ghana Red Cross Society as a Business Analyst. He currently holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from the Methodist University College, Ghana, and a Master of Business Administration degree in Finance from the University of Ghana.
Raymond Agbesi Owodo, CA
Accounting and Taxation Consultant
Raymond Agbesi Owodo, CA
Accounting and Taxation Consultant
Raymond Agbesi Owodo is an Accounting and Taxation Consultant with Dataking Consulting. He has worked as a teaching assistant at the University of Ghana Business School. He holds a Master of Philosophy degree in accounting from the University of Ghana and is a qualified Chartered Accountant with the Institute of Chartered Accountants (Ghana). He is an adjunct lecturer at Maranatha University College, Ghana. His research interest covers auditing, sustainability, taxation, and public sector accounting. His research appeared in the International Journal of Managerial Finance and Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences.
Patrick Gakpey
Editorial Officer
Patrick Gakpey
Editorial Officer
Patrick works with Dataking Consulting as an Editorial Officer. He is also an Erasmus+ mobility scholar with a Certificate in Social Education from the University College Copenhagen-Denmark. He is a young educationist with experience in teaching, writing, editing and proofreading. His personal research interest is in the areas of international education policy and comparative analysis. He has worked as a writer with several organisations and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in the educational sector. Recently, he worked with a team of experts to develop and write a handbook for Transforming Teaching Education and Learning (T-TEL), an NGO in Ghana. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in English Language Education degree with First Class Honours.
Edmund Senyo Lumorvie
Food Policy Analyst
Edmund Senyo Lumorvie
Food Policy Analyst
Edmund is a Food Policy Analyst with Dataking Research Lab. He is interested in exploring current and future food policies in the Global South. He is an effective trainer with various teaching experiences in the sciences. Edmund holds a BSc in Engineering Science (Food Processing Engineering) and is currently pursuing an MPhil in Food Science and Technology. He is a member of the global network of researchers, AuthorAID.